Abstract Submission

Display and Promote Your Work at DFCon 2024

All those engaged in the field of diabetic foot care, wound healing, limb salvage, and amputation prevention are invited to submit an abstract for poster presentation at the upcoming DFCon conference.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Open:

March 22, 2024

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline:

September 10, 2024

Poster Abstract notification:

October 1, 2024

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Info

Each abstract should include a succinct statement in the methods section that describes the relevance of the study methods and statistics used, the level of evidence the study represents, the perceived importance in every day practice and how the study offers innovative perspectives for the future care of these patients.


Upon submission of abstracts, you will be asked to list all potential or financial conflicts of interest for each author, e.g., employment or direct/indirect payments from companies, stock ownership, honoraria received, paid expert testimony.

Submit your Abstract here!

Max. Word length

– Purpose: 50 words
– Methods: 100 words
– Results: 150 words
– Conclusions: 50 words


Up to one (1) table allowed. (*a)


– Single space only
– No double spacing permitted
– No hard returns


Up to one (1) image allowed (*b)

*a) The table cannot have more than five (5) columns of data. To be inserted directly in the abstract template. Remember to refer to the table in the abstract text

*b) Images can only be displayed in black and white. (Please take this into consideration when developing images). Images should be between 300 and 600 dpi at 3”x 5

Young Investigator Award

Applicants for this award must be investigators early in their careers, including graduate students, trainees, postdoctoral fellows, residents, clinical fellows, or junior faculty (MD, DPM, PhD, or the equivalent), who are conducting basic, translational, or clinical research relating the diabetic foot, amputation prevention or wound healing or those who graduated less than 10 years ago. You can indicate your wish to participate in this contest during the uploading process. The Best Abstract submitted by a Young Investigator is rewarded with 500 USD for the first author.

The Annual Poster Competition

Each accepted abstract – with at least one author registered for the conference – will automatically participate in the competition.

A panel of experts consisting of DFCon Course Directors will review all abstracts. The Best Poster Abstract, the Best Clinical Abstract Award, and the Best Scientific Abstract Award submitted are rewarded with 500 USD for the first authors.

Suitable Topics

  • Diabetic limb salvage
  • Lower extremity vascular disease (PAD)
  • Diabetic wound care
  • Wearables and diagnostics pertaining to wound care and the diabetic foot
  • Preventive foot care for obese and diabetic populations
  • Novel population-based epidemiologic analyses of diabetic foot care and outcomes
  • Any topic pertaining to at-risk diabetic foot and wound care patients