
Membership Information

You have selected the Doctoral membership level.

Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments (ex. DPM, MD, DO, DPT, PhD)

The price for membership is $149.00 per Year.

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Account Information

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More Information

Please upload a profile picture. Recommended size for the profile image should be minimum 140x140 px or square size

More Information of Applicants

Copy-paste the URL for your LinkedIn profile to allow other ALPS members to find you on LinkedIn.

Copy-paste the URL for your ResearchGate profile to allow other ALPS members to find you on ResearchGate.

Add a profile text or biography to present yourself. (maximum lenght: 3,000 characters)

ALPS encourages all professional members to offer their mentorship for students. By answering "yes" to this question, you accept that student members of ALPS may contact you for guidance. For more info on mentorships contact:

Terms of Use

Please read the Terms of Use carefully before you start to register. By clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Use when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms of Use.

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